
What are furnishings?

Furnishings refer to the facial hair that resembles a humanlike beard, mustache and eyebrows. Dogs who have apparent furnishings will shed less than dogs who do not.

How can I know if my dog is furnished?

We genetically test our adults and some of our puppies to ensure coat type. By pairing some dogs together, we can guarantee that all puppies will be furnished based on their genetic results. Other dog pairings will have mostly furnished puppies with a few who will resemble their non-Poodle parent (Bernese Mountain Dog). You may hear breeders refer to these “unfurnished” puppies as having a flat or improper coat. These puppies will shed more than a furnished puppy and will have a slick face much like their non-Poodle parent. We have one pair we breed that produces some unfurnished puppies. We pair this mom and dad together mostly for temperament, coloring and pattern but also to satisfy some customers who prefer the flat coated look.

Pros and cons: furnished v unfurnished

Most doodle families prefer the furnished look. Not to mention furnishings are a good indicator of significantly lower shedding. However, keep in mind when choosing a puppy that the furnished puppies will also need regular grooming. This upkeep can vary depending on the look you prefer your dog to have and how easily their hair tends to tangle. Regular brushing will be needed to prevent matting and trips to the groomer will become a new norm.

For unfurnished or flat coated puppies, grooming will be needed much less. They will always be able to see out of their eyes and will not need as much brushing for detangling. Although they will shed more than their furnished brothers and sisters, they will still shed less than a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog. This coat type is desirable for families who love the look and personality of the Bernese but still want the hybrid vigor which helps prolong the quality of life. The unfurnished pups also tend to keep their coloring as opposed to the Poodle coat that can change overtime.